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    Why Sparkle Squad

    See for yourself why clients book with Holiday Lighting Heroes, year after year

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      By providing the information on the form above, including phone number, and clicking submit, I consent to receive email messages and texts from Holiday Lighting Heroes regarding the services they offer. I understand that my consent is not required to purchase Holiday Lighting Heroes services and that the cancellation of the account does not automatically revoke this consent. Please note, you will be provided an opportunity to opt out of text messaging with any text message you receive. Read our privacy policy here

      Expert Window Cleaning Services

      National Service, Quality Guaranteed

      Pretium convallis lacinia. Quisque ac eros urna. Mauris eu molestie odio. Nullam id consectetur nibh, at luctus elit. Sed ipsum nunc, elementum vitae suscipit sit amet, malesuada in turpis. Vivamus vel augue congue, maximus tortor sed, malesuada urna. Nunc dictum diam eros. Nulla sit amet interdum tellus, a hendrerit dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

      • Service Features – Mauris eu molestie odio. Nullam id consecteturem nibh, at luctus elit. Sed ipsum nunc, elementum vitae elit amet, malesuada in turpis. Vivamus vel augue congue, maximus tortor sed, malesuada urna.
      • Service Features – Mauris eu molestie odio. Nullam id consecteturem nibh, at luctus elit. Sed ipsum nunc, elementum vitae elit amet, malesuada in turpis. Vivamus vel augue congue, maximus tortor sed, malesuada urna.
      • Service Features – Mauris eu molestie odio. Nullam id consecteturem nibh, at luctus elit. Sed ipsum nunc, elementum vitae elit amet, malesuada in turpis. Vivamus vel augue congue, maximus tortor sed, malesuada urna.

      Find Your Nearest Holiday Lighting Heroes

      Don't Miss Out!

      Call today and get a free 24" wreath installed on your home if your installation is completed by 11/30/24.*

      Call us at (888) 845-4376

      *available at participating franchise locations. Offer expires 11/30/24

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